accurate data
Data files meet project specifications! SME understands the importance of accurate and on-time data delivery. In fact, because of our performance and expertise, SME is the only vendor approved by the NYCDOE to provide electronic student data files for the New York State ELA and Math Grades 3–8 tests.
simplify logistics
The logistics associated with the inventory and movement of paper test booklets to and from the scorer are entirely eliminated! Your district’s test booklets containing responses to open-ended items will be packed and sent to the Strategic Measurement scanning site.
student identity remains secure
Student work is presented anonymously! Unlike with paper-based scoring, your teachers will see only the student response. No information about the student’s name, race, gender, or school is available to the scorers. This enhances the validity of the scoring process.
save time
Scoring time is reduced by approximately 50%! The efficient presentation of images to the scorer saves time and energy vs. paper-based scoring. Your teachers will not waste time turning pages to find the next item to score or moving from test booklet to test booklet to find a particular response. In addition, table leaders can access and monitor scoring accuracy in real time, saving precious minutes and keeping scorers on track.
improved security
The security of the scoring process is enhanced! By eliminating the movement of paper booklets to and from scoring stations, your district will significantly reduce the risk of losing a booklet. Also, the number of individuals with access to the student booklets is reduced. With the Strategic Measurement system, the chain-of-custody begins before scanning and is maintained through the return of test material to the district following scanning.
internet based
Scoring is internet-based! The Internet-based solution offered by Strategic Measurement will allow your district to implement electronic scoring from any internet-connected Windows-based workstation. No special software needs to be installed on local servers; existing computer labs can become scoring centers.
client approved
“I cannot stress how much more efficient this process was. SME anticipated so many of our logistical needs ahead of time that they were able to remove most of them before we even walked into the scoring room. There was no bubbling, no counting, no alphabetizing, and no moving of boxes. Things that used to be significant time-drains now are nonexistent. I was able to focus almost completely on scoring the entire time I was there because SME staffers had taken care of so many of our scoring needs already.” —John E. King, Assessment Coordinator, Leadership Prep: Bed-Stuy
contact us
Call us today toll-free at 877.782.8269.